Check Out My Two Books


Little Hinges

Little Hinges is a chronological story about Jesus Christ. It explains who Jesus was and why He came to Earth the first time; why He opposed the Jewish Religious Leaders; why He was crucified; why He is coming back; and why we should not worry about our world today which continues to unravel.


God's Got This

God's Got This is a walk through the entire Bible. It highlights the power, promises, and the prophecies of God. It is not a substitute for the Bible, but it is a springboard that will give you an overview of both Testaments. It will also give you a renewed hope for tomorrow-on-earth, and an assurance that the best IS yet to come because everything happening in the world today has already been prophesied. God is still on the throne.  He knows all about the schemes of globalists, and His ongoing plans for a peaceful universe are falling into perfect place.