No, because I know the Bible well and I have studied prophecy for over fifty years, so I understand what is happening and what is going to happen.  The world is falling because it has fallen away from the principles and sovereignty of a holy God who created, owns, and controls this world.  People who still revere God and respect others will not fall with it because God has promised to save them (Psalm 37; Psalm 91).

Ever since the beginning of time, humans have always wanted to rule themselves without the interference or regulations of an invisible God.  The kingdom of man has always been in competition with the Kingdom of God.  Today, the secular globalists think they can rule the world with artificial intelligence instead of with God’s wisdom, but they are mistaken.  The Bible tells us they will be successful for a short while, but they will not be able to keep their rule for long because the principles of a holy God will always come to pass (Daniel 9).

The Bible also tells us that our times are in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15; Jeremiah 10:23), NOT in the hands of governments, churches, doctors, or scientists. People will not be able to solve the problems of this world or save the planet.  God is still on the throne, and He will save what He deems is worth saving.  He is laughing at the world leaders today who are trying to create a world without Him because He knows their day of His judgement is coming (Psalm 2).

If God is in control, why is He allowing demonically insane things to happen and intensify?  Because He wants the world to see what happens when people reject God and celebrate Satan.  He also wants to reach the lost and convince them they are sinners who need a Savior, before the Savior returns.

I often watch videos or listen to Jan Markell’s guests on her popular syndicated radio program called Understanding the Times (  She always ends her broadcasts with positive remarks, and recently she said: “God is never early and He is never late.  He is always right on time and His plan for us is good.”  Then she read a description about ancient history when the time was right.  She said: “The sea parted; the walls fell down; the lions went hungry; the sun stood still; the waves were calm; the stone was rolled away; the clouds were parted; and the Lord ascended.”  She ended her broadcast with what will happen in today’s history when the time is right.  She simply said: “The King of Kings will come again.”  

This is what we need to remember.  Know what is going on in the world, especially in the Middle East.  Read the headlines, but do not focus on the details of what you see or read about in the world today because they are atrocious and temporary.  Focus instead on the unseen because it is good; it is coming; and it is eternal (2 Corinthians 4:18).
