Most people think salvation is the absence of problems, but it is not. Salvation is the Presence of God, and it happens in this world, before we die.
When Jesus first empowered His disciples and sent them out into Galilee as His apostles, He wanted to show the religious leaders and the masses of people that He was able to transfer His power to others without being with them in Person. He simply gave His disciples the ability and authority in His Name to preach without any notes, heal the sick and the lame, and exorcise demons (Matthew 10:1).
Jesus continues to do this today through those who follow Him, believe in His supreme sovereignty, and ask Him to lead their lives. These believers lead powerful lives by helping others in His Name, and pointing the way to the only One who can save anyone from going to hell after he or she dies.
So, how are we saved today? What can we do to assure ourselves we are going to heaven? We cannot DO anything! Going to church, tithing, fasting, taking communion, getting baptized, making nice with others, contributing to charities, etc., are all exemplary, but none of them will get your sins forgiven.
Do we need our sins to be forgiven if our good attributes outnumber our bad ones? Yes, because God is a holy God who cannot live in the presence of any sin. Since all humans are sinners who have fallen short of the expectations of God (Romans 3:23-24), all humans should go directly to hell for their infractions against Him. Fortunately for us, our merciful God has provided a way to save us from His coming wrath against all non-believers: He gave us His perfect Son who took all our sins to an old rugged cross . . . and left them there (John 3:16).
So now, when God looks at His born-again believers, He only sees the perfection of His Son who died for us so that we might live an abundant life in the Presence of God (John 3:16). We are saved by openly declaring Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, and by believing His Father raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9-10). We are not saved by anything can do for Him.